Application Method

Clean up the cracks and make sure that the original pavement has no major bumps, depressions or loose surface.

Make sure the crack surface and the crack is clean and dry. When the crack width is greater than 5mm, it is recommended to first fill it with one of the following: hot mix asphalt, cold mix asphlat, a clean and dry aggregate or stone chips. Clean up any excess stone chips on the surface.

Remove the sticker paper on the back of the Asphalt Road Patch. Face the gravel upwards and place and flatten the ARP patch on the road surface. Cut ARP to extend beyond the pothole by 10cm on all sides. If more pieces of ARP are required to cover the pothole, they can be placed side by side, or with a minimum of 5 cm overlap on the sides.

After the ARP patch is attached to the road surface and/or crack surface, it is advisable to use a 4-6 tons small roller to roll for 2-3 times to help ARP patch adhere to the original pavement. During the rolling process, the roller must not make turns or U-turns on the ARP patch.

After the construction of ARP patch is completed, traffic can be opened.